- National Research and Innovation Competition (NRIC 2009), USM. 14-19 Mei 2019.
- Persidangan and Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA 2009).
- Juara Laman Web KPT, 2009.
- Ekspo Inovasi Islam 2012 (i-INOVA’12).
- Student Innovation Competition (SIC), 2012
- National Research and Innovation Competition (NRIC2013), USM.
- Student Innovation Competition (SIC), 2013.
- Business Social Innovation for Poverty Eradication @ MyHE 2014, Unimap.
- The Code 2016, Utem
- Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), 2016.
- British Invention Show (BIS), 2017.
- Pertandingan Usahawan Inovasi Piala Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia, 2017.
- National Research and Innovation Competition (NRIC 2017), USM
- Ekspo Inovasi Islam 2018.