Bachelor of Science (Hons) – Industrial Chemical Technology

//Bachelor of Science (Hons) – Industrial Chemical Technology
Bachelor of Science (Hons) – Industrial Chemical Technology 2024-10-03T12:00:05+00:00

The chemical principle forms the basis for most processes and products. In line with this, the program is designed to prepare graduates who meet industry needs and are able to carry out industry-oriented projects. Graduates are generally equipped with knowledge in the field of operating and chemical processes, chemistry, mathematical and statistical units, policies and practices in the field of environment, health and safety, process and control systems and laboratory instrumentation to help graduates understand the operation of the modern chemical industry.

Upon graduation, graduates will be:

  • PEO1: A chemistry expert who has the knowledge, understanding and experience of technology as well as practical skills that contribute towards quality services and products to the chemical-related industries, private agencies and government organizations (PLO1, PLO2).
  • PEO2: A chemistry expert who leads in solving social and environmental issues in an ethical and professional team through effective communication (PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6).
  • PEO3: A chemistry expert who enhances knowledge in the management of scientific information on an ongoing basis to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in chemical-related industries (PLO7, PLO8).

Upon completion of the study, students need to:

  • PLO1: Apply chemical knowledge in chemical-related industries.
  • PLO2: Runs experiments, controls laboratory equipment and interprets data.
  • PLO3: Have social accountability as a learned person.
  • PLO4: Demonstrate the purity, ethics, professionalism in tasks related to the field of Industrial Chemistry and integrates with Naqli and Aqli knowledge.
  • PLO5: Demonstrated good communication skills as well as leadership skills and teamwork in the development of chemical-related industries.
  • PLO6: Critically solve problems and analyze the impact of scientific solutions.
  • PLO7: Obtain and transmit scientific information related to the field of industrial chemical technology as well as demonstrating lifelong learning capabilities.
  • PLO8: Demonstrated management skills leading towards entrepreneurship in the chemical-related industry.

Jadual Kaitan Objektif Universiti (USIM) dan Fakulti Sains Teknologi (FST)


Jadual Kaitan Objektif FST dan Program Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Teknologi Kimia Industri)

Objektif USIM

  1. Memartabatkan pendidikan Islam serta membawanya ke dalam arus perdana pendidikan negara.
  2. Membina kesepaduan antara teori dan amali dalam diri setiap siswazah yang dikeluarkan.
  3. Melahirkan ilmuan Islam yang berpendidikan sepadu, mampu memimpin masyarakat majmuk serta mempunyai potensi yang tinggi menerajui pembangunan negara.
  4. Meneroka dan mengembalikan tradisi keilmuan Islam yang unggul bersesuaian dengan persekitaran dan teknologi terkini.
  5. Membekalkan modal insan yang kukuh dengan penghayatan nilai Islam yang mampu berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan berkesan dalam masyarakat.

Objektif Fakulti (FST)

  1. Menyediakan program akademik dan persekitaran pengajaran & pembelajaran yang kondusif bagi memenuhi keperluan modal insan.
  2. Menjalankan penyelidikan bagi menghasilkan produk inovatif serta menerbitkan penulisan ilmiah yang berkualiti.
  3. Memimpin kesarjanaan sains dan teknologi dalam menghasilkan graduan holistik, seimbang dan berkeusahawanan demi pembangunan ummah.

After graduation, various job opportunities can be selected either in the private sector or government where they can apply chemical knowledge and extensive problem-solving techniques. As graduates of this program, graduates are open to various positions in industries such as agrochemicals, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, geochemistry, metals and mineralogy, oil and gas, health and nutrition, manufacturing and energy generation. They can also work in sectors such as engineering, education, technical writing, computer software and equipment, government policies and deeds, forensic science and industrial labs.

